Friday, April 17, 2015

Party Time!

We have experienced a beautiful week here in Upstate New York that is reflective of this season of rebirth, "Spring". Bright sunshine most days with the promise of showers today. Crocuses are blooming in the front yard and if one looks closely you can see evidence of buds on the trees. Even the grass is beginning to "green up" a bit. Most of the area "Drive-Ins" have opened and you can see the survivors of this harsh winter standing outside these establishments licking their ice cream cones.

I walked in Saratoga Springs Park earlier this week. The landscape was still dotted with mounds of snow piled high by the plows and some of the trails were still icy. The Kaydeross Creek was very high and a few trout fisherman were pulling some newly stocked fish from the stream.

Wherever I wandered this week everyone's face reflected the promise of Spring with smiles of relief that the cold and snow had finally retreated. Though we escaped the most severe days in Florida I could still relate to the excitement that folks were feeling. On Monday the weatherman reported that we were experiencing temperatures in excess of 60 degrees for the first time since October. This news confirmed my long standing belief that we experience six months of Winter in this part of the country.

On Tuesday we invited daughter, Suzie, and her family over for our first cook out of the season. Hot dogs, hamburgers, and salads, "Oh My". Our joy at being outside reminded me of the Robin William's quote that I posted above.

Doctor appointments took us to Albany two days this week so I had the opportunity to walk at "The Crossings" in Colonie. Ducks and Koi were swimming in the pond, the trails were busy, and the playground resonated with the voices of many children exalting in the warm sunshine. I find that this "Spring Joy" is contagious and realized that those who live in places like Florida miss out on this unique experience. This seasonal change is a reminder to me that life is always evolving, moving from times of struggle and darkness to joy and light and of course back again. Spring also represents the promise of new experiences, new life.

AND baseball is back! I have been a Mets fan since their inception. I remember rooting for them as an underdog team when I was a teenager. However, as a working adult with a family, I never really had time to watch the games. Since my retirement from full time ministry, 7 years ago now, I have been able to watch most of the games on SNY. Unfortunately they have not been a very good team these last 7 years and have missed the playoffs each year. Like the season of Spring, this season looks very promising as the Mets are now in first place in their division. Of course, my rational mind reminds me of how many times they have showed promise early in the season before only to fade dramatically in the second half of the season. But the "promise" is exciting and I know, I know, that my hopeful heart may well be broken once again but right now I am enjoying the "party".
We also ordered our 6 game package of tickets of the local minor league team, The ValleyCats. Can't wait for the first game on June 25th. 


Sarah said...

Nice spring weather has a magical way of putting me in a good mood :)

Dewey said...

Happy spring. The yellow perch are applauding somewhere, but they will regret it as soon as I launch the boat.