Tuesday, February 05, 2013


God's grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide, turn- you- upside- downness about it. Grace comes after you. It rewires you. From insecure to God secure. (Max Lucado writing in GRACE)

So that got me thinking. How would folks, including me, finish this sentence.

"I experience grace when............" And here are some of the ways I would finish it.

......I come home from my morning walk and Mary has made a fresh pot of Kona coffee.
.....our son, John, hugs me and says; "Dad, I love you so much".
..... I see my grandchildren's faces when they greet me with; "Hi, PopPop!"
.....I walk in the Florida sunshine as it is 18 degrees back home.
.... I am standing in front of people on a Sunday morning and they are actually listening.
....we gather as the Organic Faith 518 community at a coffee shop every other Wednesday.
.... I realize Mary and I will celebrate 46 years of marriage next month.
....it dawns on me that we will celebrate my 30th anniversary of ordination this June.
....a book that I chose at random to read turns out to be a delight.
....I observe the wonderful adults that our children have grown up to be.
....a movie moves me to tears or laughter.
...I realize that this list has just begun.

"grace has been defined as "the love and mercy given to us by God because God desires us to have it, not because of anything we have done to earn it",(Wilkipedia)

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