Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Doubts and Questions!

A friend reminded me this morning that Frederick Buechner writes that everyone who comes to worship on a Sunday morning has one question in the back of their mind and that question is; "Is it true?" They come hungry for truth in a world that fabricates, exaggerates, reshapes, and spins "facts" to defend and promote. I believe that the Divine One welcomes honest questions and doubts. As Buechner writes, "Doubts are the ants in the pants of faith, they keep it alive and moving." I invited 30 Junior High teenagers to write down some of their questions tonight. Here are some examples.
Is God male or female?
Why did God all of a sudden decide to make the world?
Can all people get to heaven, even those from other religions?
Why was the Bible written?
Is a sin worst if done by a pastor, or a pastor is the target?
How does it feel to be a pastor?
Is God a Gangsta?
I am grateful that there are a lot of "ants in the pants" of these children of God. If you would like to find out more about the writings of Frederick Buechner check out this article.

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