Wednesday, July 01, 2009

being PopPop!

Sawyer Todd Mraz, our seventh grandchild was born yesterday, June 30, at 10:18 a.m. weighing 7 lb 6 oz and 21" tall. Our grandchildren now range in age from 0ne day to 16 years old. They all call me PopPop. Of all my titles; Reverend, Pastor, etc., this one carries the most responsibility and honor. I am silly with the young ones and funny with the teenagers. I visit museums with Kaylyn (16), play golf with Brendan (14), attend Morgan's (6) dance recitals and soccer games, go on hikes in the woods with Noah (5), mow the grass and work in the garden with Jacob (5), push Jena (2) in her stroller, and hold Sawyer in my arms. I read books outloud and make up stories, chase lightening bugs, prepare chocolate chip pancakes, have tea parties, and make the "tickle monster" come alive. Most of all.....I simply try to "be there". To be truly present in ways that I failed to do for my children. That is the gift of this season of life; to be free to choose how we spend our time more wisely. And so I am available to have lunch, pick someone up at school, take one to an appointment, go to a play or a movie, bowling, etc. You see, nothing very dramatic, not life changing or saving, certainly not memorable by themselves but the sum total of the activities together build the memories of growing up with PopPop. Morgan, Jena, and Jacob

Brendan and I


On Monday, Kaylyn and I spent a marvelous day together. We drove on route 2 over the mountain to North Adams, Mass. to visit Mass Moca, a huge museum of contemporary art.

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