I turned 62 today. Some observations.
I can begin receiving social security benefits if I so choose.
Waitresses and store clerks frequently greet me as "darl'n" and "honey" and "sweetie".
I now qualify for senior discounts at almost all restaurants and movie theatres.
The hair in my ears, nose, and eyebrows seem to be growing three times as fast as the hair on my head.
I have to tilt my head at an extreme angle in order to read the basketball score on the TV.
"Deal or No Deal" has become "my program" that I watch with regularity.
I can remember when my grandmother had to get home in time to see "her program".
The first task of each day is to take my medications.
Kaylyn, my teenage granddaughter, has taken to calling me "Pops".
My heart leaps for joy whenever any of the five grandchildren look at me.
When I enter a restaurant, entertainment venue, or church for the first time; my first thought is: "Where is the bathroom located?"
I announce in the evening that I am "getting ready to go to bed".
Mary, my spouse of 40 years, and I spend entirely to much time discussing the temperature in the house.
I no longer like "driving at night".
Having a cup of tea in the evening gives me great pleasure.
We are excited about buying a new coffee pot.
The grandchildren helped me blow out the candles on my birthday cake.
Many small things make me truly happy; my wife's smile, spring sunshine, reading the Sunday comics, holding a grandchild, lactose free vanilla ice cream on my birthday cake, sleeping under a quilt made by my spouse, etc.
I get great joy in anticipating future activities; fishing with a friend, a family meal, etc.
I remember the past with gratitude.
I can begin receiving social security benefits if I so choose.
Waitresses and store clerks frequently greet me as "darl'n" and "honey" and "sweetie".
I now qualify for senior discounts at almost all restaurants and movie theatres.
The hair in my ears, nose, and eyebrows seem to be growing three times as fast as the hair on my head.
I have to tilt my head at an extreme angle in order to read the basketball score on the TV.
"Deal or No Deal" has become "my program" that I watch with regularity.
I can remember when my grandmother had to get home in time to see "her program".
The first task of each day is to take my medications.
Kaylyn, my teenage granddaughter, has taken to calling me "Pops".
My heart leaps for joy whenever any of the five grandchildren look at me.
When I enter a restaurant, entertainment venue, or church for the first time; my first thought is: "Where is the bathroom located?"
I announce in the evening that I am "getting ready to go to bed".
Mary, my spouse of 40 years, and I spend entirely to much time discussing the temperature in the house.
I no longer like "driving at night".
Having a cup of tea in the evening gives me great pleasure.
We are excited about buying a new coffee pot.
The grandchildren helped me blow out the candles on my birthday cake.
Many small things make me truly happy; my wife's smile, spring sunshine, reading the Sunday comics, holding a grandchild, lactose free vanilla ice cream on my birthday cake, sleeping under a quilt made by my spouse, etc.
I get great joy in anticipating future activities; fishing with a friend, a family meal, etc.
I remember the past with gratitude.